Quirky Books Author Sandra Bellamy, aka Quirky Books, is known online as Quirky. Sandra started blogging on her quirkybooks.wordpress.com over 5 years ago, to talk about her huge passion, that is writing, to improve her writing skills, find her writer’s voice; and help other writer’s with writing help, hints and tips. Although she started out, initially with this is mind, she always had the intention of writing and publishing her own Quirky Books at a later date, hence why she chose the name Quirky Books.
Sandra built Quirky Academy to help other’s to grow their abilities, talents and skills, all the while embracing their quirky,to propel them forward in their life and business to live a happy, successful and fulfiling existence.
Sandra has a wealth of knowledge and experience, gained through both her personal and professional life, which she believes other people will benefit from knowing.
My mission is to help others develop both personally and professionally, to achieve their goals, ambitions and dreams, all the while, embracing their quirky, authentic self.
Writing non fiction, Quirky ‘How to’ Books, is one way in which Sandra wants to help others, to do just that. Her non-fiction, ‘How-to’ – Quirky Books are available on Amazon and in the future will be available on her own e-Book store quirkybooks.net that is currently under construction, as well as www.quirkyacademy.com
Areas of book categories will include:
- Redundancy and getting back into work
- Writing
- Blogging
- Social Media
- Asexuality